Monday, February 28, 2011

A Strapping Good Time!

You ain't gonna believe this!  I have purchased a nylon striped watch strap just like the one I had in 1985, except that one was blue/red instead of blue/green.  The fact that these things are still in style or maybe coming back in style is just one more testament to the great conservative fashions popular in the late 1980's. 

Heck, look at Polo.  Izod has been back for awhile.  Bean Boots are on their way back in!  Maybe it's just that I'm getting old and fashions do disappear and re-appear.  My dear Mom used to say, "see everything in the back of my closet...I'm gonna wear those again in about 15 years".  I guess she was pretty insightful.  Of course, I never stopped wearing all this stuff and never felt out of place.  Yes, some specific items have gone by the wayside and are now re-appearing, but for the most part clean, conservative stylish clothing hasn't gone anywhere!

That's why I take such issue with the awful stuff they are selling at Abercrombie and Aeropostle.  When I see teenagers wearing such drab threads I am understanding.  When I see a 35 year-old man with a crapped-out t-shirt with an eagle starting in his mid-section and reaching over his shoulder to his back haunch essentially advertising the store...that, I have to call out.  The fact that the schmuck is in the same nice restaurant where I've chosen a suit/tie as appropriate...that's just lazy.


Now I'm just ranting.  Sorry!  Back to my watch strap.  The big chronograph watch I thought would work with it is just too big..and the battery is dead.  So I'm now on a quest for a nice, inexpensive silver watch to go with my band.  Yes, I have to match the silver strap buckle to the watch if your were wondering.  I'll post the whole wrist rig when I find the watch.  Until then I'll just have to admire the strap sitting on my dresser awaiting it's debut. Here's a picture:

I think my 14 year old daughter actually thinks the strap is cool.  If I told her it was the same as the one from my high school years she would immediately change her mind and call me old.  Oh well, I guess I'll just keep quiet and enjoy her fascination with my colorful wrist decoration.

This just in from another blog I follow called Red Clay Soul.

Check out the rest of his collection here:

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I think the strap-wearers are a bit of a cult ;)
