Friday, February 4, 2011

Have you ever been "Erkeled"?

So it's cold in Houston today!  Yep, about 28 degrees.  No snow, as every weather person predicted, but there is enough ice to keep me at the house.  Luckily all Internet is up, coffee is hot and plentiful and working from the house is much more cozy.

The other night at Dinner Club we somehow got on to the subject of the teenage boys wearing their pants ridiculously low on the their hips, often exposing the top of their behind, and rudely exposing their front. 

This is actually one of the tamer photos I found!


My friend Todd then told us about a school principal who has decided to take things into his own hands by fixing the boys' pants at an appropriate level with zip-ties, calling the practice "getting Erkeled", and posting their picture on a wall.  Ingenious!  Here's the article:

SCHOOL Says: Pull Up Ya Gott-Damn PANTS Or Be “URKELED”!  

Steve Erkel

Bobby White is the principal at Westside Middle School, in my home town of Memphis, Tennessee, and “URKELING” is his new policy to get those punk kids to hike up their gott-damn pants!

If a student is caught wearing baggy pants that sag down below their waist, White and the other teachers use plastic zip-ties to tighten up the waist, get rid of the slack, and hike the kid’s pants up.  Just like STEVE URKEL on “Family Matters”.

And once a kid is Urkeled, they take a photo and put it on a wall of shame.  One teacher says that they’re now Urkeling kids 80% less than when they started . . . because the policy has really trained the kids to wear their pants right.

White says, “There’s something about looking right [that leads to] acting right [and] beginning to think right.”

source: Huffington Post

Well my hat's off to Mr. White for doing something constructive!  I'm sure the parent's are appreciative as well.  Maybe someone should introduce them to the Brothers of Brooks or our good friend Ralph.  Or explain to them how getting a job works!


  1. A great thought, but God help him when the ACLU gets wind of this.

  2. Yep! It will be a shame when his plan of action gets shut down.
