Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Restaurant Review - Sissy's Country Cafe - Brownsboro, TX

OK!  I know!  Why in the world am I giving you a review of a tiny country cafe in Brownsboro, Texas.  Well, because it deserves a review and it's my blog.  So please read on!

Brownsboro is in East Texas, between Athens and Tyler...the middle of nowhere.  I thought Nacogdoches was it, but this tiny little spec of Texas is really out there!  And this is where Ms. Sissy decided to open her restaurant business about 6 months ago.  Actually not a bad marketing idea considering that the nearest eating establishment is at least 15 miles away.  We have a little family house on some acreage that used to be owned by Jen's grandparents.  And we try to get up there a few times a year for some relaxation, some fishing and some good eating.  For lunch on Sunday we decided to "go into town" and try Sissy's.

We are greeted by a whole host of country folk who've obviously been to the local Baptist Church and are now taking in some chow.  We sat ourselves and the nice young waitress took our drink order.  Here's the first funny...we ordered Diet Cokes and were informed that all they carried was Diet RC Cola.  Now I dig me some ROC Cola, but I don't remember that last time it was offered in a restaurant!  I'll bet they had a Moon Pie but I forgot to ask.

We then placed our orders.  Jen had a nice fresh salad with fried chicken on top. Daniel chose his usual chicken strip platter with fries and I decided it was time for my bi-annual chicken fried steak, complete with hot yeast rolls, mashed potatoes and black-hull peas.  About this time, the country folk were noticing the peculiar city people who had infiltrated their little dining space.  After a few minutes, they quit looking and returned to their conversation about John Deere Tractors and who's going to win the greased pig competition at the fair this year.

Sorry, should have taken this shot when the food arrived!

The food arrived and oh my it was good!  One of best CFS's I've ever had.  Everything was hot and steamy and the taste instantly took me back to little cafe's my family would stop at during car trips through the Texas countryside.  Mom would always find a little town with a Square and there was always a little cafe with dusty wood floors and the smell of country cooking awaiting our arrival.  Jen really enjoyed her salad and Daniel picked at his strips while continuing to play with his collection of Lego's.

Now the fun part.  I get to tell you about Calf Fries.  That's right.  On the menu and stated as their specialty was Calf Fries.  You ain't gonna believe this!  Calf Fries are the parts of the bull that are removed to create a steer.  No other way to say it...the balls.  They are then, with membrane intact, battered and thrown into the frier until the membrane pops open, thus indicating they are done.  Then sit back, throw them in your mouth and enjoy.  No, we did not try them - nor do I think I ever will.  I'm an adventurous guy, but I do have my limits as a city boy.  Also on the special board was chicken fried bacon, Pepper Jack Cheese Shots and Texas Toothpicks.  I can figure out the bacon, but I have no idea about the others.  After understanding the calf fries I gave up.

After realizing we were stuffed full of pure country goodness, we took our leave and headed over the old grocery store to buy items for dinner.  More on that later...  I hope you enjoyed this little tidbit about Sissy's and certainly would suggest that if you ever find yourself cruising through Brownsboro around eatin' time, stop into Sissy's and give her a try.  She's got plenty of Calf Fries just waiting for your order!

Sissy's has a Facebook Page!


  1. OK, pick me up about 6 AM! Looks well worth the two day drive for me to get there.

  2. Just wanted to add that "Sissy" used to be associated with the "Shed cafe" in Edom Tx. She's got way more experience than 6 months. Hence the very well ran establishment with friendly staff and good meat and three menu. I recommend it highly!


  3. Thanks B.H.! Glad to have you reading. Are you local to Sissy's? How did you find my blog?

  4. I find myself both excited to see Brownsboro on the culinary map and disheartened to hear you describe the local people as such caricatures. Yes, this is a tiny town with farm land on all sides, but it isn't like we have never seen "city folk". I doubt anyone talked about greased pigs at the fair as there is no such venue at any of the surrounding fairs. You will however, find a ferris wheel and a decent turkey leg. At any rate, glad you are getting the word out on a good, country cafe.

  5. Thank you for the compliments! Yes I did own the Shed in Edom Texas from 2000 to 2005. We are celebrating our 1 year anniversary today! We are having a celebration on September 17th 2011, here in Brownsboro Texas at the cafe with a DJ playing all types of music, door prizes, and we are raffling off a 32" flat screen TV! Come join the fun!! Sissy Dean
