Friday, March 11, 2011

Finding my Flusser!

There is a book out there amongst the fashion blogosphere that seems to get a lot of attention.  I know it wasn't the first book about men's clothing, but this one garners much respect.  It's "Clothes and the Man" by Alan Flusser, the impressive fashionado that dressed our good friend Gordon Gekko and many others.  He's a legend in the men's design world, although lesser know than the boys Lauren and Hilfiger because he doesn't put out an annual line of department store ready garb for the "Everyman".  Mr. Flusser just sits back and quietly designs American conservative elegance worn only by the finest gentlemen and marketed by only the upper crust of haberdashers.  I'm going to make this post about the book instead of a bio on Mr. Flusser.  We'll get to him later.

Front cover of my book

Alas, but what have I found in the attic you ask?  Well, it's my copy of Clothes and the Man!  I knew it was up there.  I only had to dig through 13 boxes before finding it.  My dear Mother gave it to me on my 21st birthday in 1988.  Looking back, I don't know if she really had an eye for the cool or if she just accidentally stumbled upon these things that 23 years later would end up in a blog.

Since it was signed by Mr. Flusser himself, I decided to see what the value might be.  I checked out the book on Amazon and low and behold, this book is worth $300 - $400.  Wow!  Of course, it's like my Dad's $5,000 baseball card collection...sure it's worth a lot but it will never be sold.  So I'll just hang onto it and savor my ownership.  Once again, Mom deserves all the credit.  I sure hope she can read this blog in heaven!  I think after Jen goes to sleep tonight I might settle in with a glass of wine and a re-read of my kick-butt old book.

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