Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What is it about that Blue Box with the white ribbon?

If you're like me, about this time of December each year, I start thinking "oh crap - what in the world am I going to get my most wonderful, beautiful wife for Christmas that will be unbelievably cool, creative, memorable, useful, fun and may even generate an over-abundance of kissing?"  Well let me just help you lost souls out there with a little golden nugget of valuable information - you cannot go wrong showing up with a little blue bag from which within lies a little blue box with a pretty white bow from Tiffany & Co.!  There it is!  Free of charge!  A spousal Christmas gift suggestion with a personal guarantee!

I'm hoping that a woman with knowledge of the Tiffany phenomenom will post a comment designating at which time women become enamored with the color of Tiffany Blue or Green or whatever that color is. Does it get into your blood stream?  Do you have Superwoman powers that enable you to see the color at great distances?  Does it really matter what's inside the box? 

As I was writing this, even my own intrigue and anxiety began to increase.  So I decided to visit the nice folks at Tiffany's on-line offering to see if they might provide a glimpse into their secret spell.  And guess what, there's lot's of it!  Here is what they say about the Blue Box:

The world has been enthralled with the distinctive Tiffany Blue Box since the very beginning.  It was Charles Lewis Tiffany who mandated that the coveted boxes could only be acquired with a Tiffany purchase.  As reported by the New York Sun in 1906, "Tiffany has one thing in stock that you cannot buy of him for as much money as you may offer, he will only give it to you.  And that is one of his boxes."

Glimpsed on a busy street or resting in the palm of a hand, Tiffany Blue Boxes make hearts beat faster, and epitomize Tiffany's great heritage of elegance, exclusivity and flawless craftsmanship.

Very well said Chuck T.!  You absolutely nailed it!

So, now I'm going to let you guys in on another nice little secret - ladies look away now - they have lots of wonderful items for less than $200!  That's right!  Everything you need to make her heart go pitter patter in a little pocket sized Blue Box for under $200!

Here are a just a few of their items that should be within an acceptable price range:

So go check it out yourself -  I promise you will make a great decision!  Happy Shopping!  I'd love to hear how it goes!

Disclaimer:  Upon purchasing and presenting a gift from Tiffany, you will have set the bar very high for upcoming gift giving situations.  Be very careful!  If you have never given Tiffany before, perhaps start with something small and inexpensive.  The Blue Box is very powerful and therefore could sabotage future non-Tiffany gifts.  I say roll the dice and get crazy!  You only live once, they're not going to run out of Blue Bags and I do love me some good kissing!

Note:  If you still don't have any idea what to get your wife, think practical underpants might be a good gift or really believe Jared - the Galleria of Jewelry is an acceptable option, then please carefully re-read this post at least five times.  Good Luck!

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