This past Saturday night marked the arrival of the 2010 Annual White Elephant Christmas Party and included some of our closest and oldest friends. Here's some background: this party originated in about 1987 at Christian (Aubry) Parson's apartment. That specific party is memorable because it included a large bottle of Dewar's Scotch, a bowling set that worked very well on hardwoods and a set of fake hot dogs that continued to fly across the room at random intervals. Original attendees, as faintly remembered, were Gardner Biggs, Christian Parsons, Adrian (Aubry) Villueneva, Kyle Young and myself. I know there were others. Please send me a comment if you were there. The aforementioned bottle of Dewar's and about 23 years has caused the memory to fade a tad!
So that bring us forward to today. The party is now held at the most recently acquired home of one of our usual suspects, which for the past 10 years or so has worked out nicely. Other than the early years, I don't think we've repeated a couple, but I know we haven't repeated a house yet. The party is fairly traditional in most respects...cocktails are drawn, dinner is served, much holiday merriment is shared, etc. Now comes the fun part - the white elephant gift exchange. For some reason, although the same folks attend annually, each year the rules have to be explained again. It used to be my job, but our friendly wine merchant Ken Echols has taken on the role. For those that don't know this game, it's a gift exchange whereby numbers are distributed, new gifts are opened or a previously opened gift may be stolen. This makes for quite a show as folks try to strategically get their wanton gifts 3 times, thereby retiring them from the exchange.

The Gift Exchange - Mr. Chairman Echols holding court
Yours truly and lovely wife pre-party
A very nice selection of party girls!
The gifts range from utilitarian to erotic and everything in between. This year's gifts included a complete margarita kit, edible hand-cuffs, dancing-girl wine stoppers, a disco globe (very hot item), a variety of comical prayer candles (could be a separate post altogether), a silver belt buckle/flask and a Justin Bieber fuzzy blanket. No, the Santa Mug with exposed genitalia did not re-appear again this year!
The Disco Globe is introduced
And passed...for not the last time!
Ish's Booze & Cookie Box - always a fan favorite!
Somebody forgot that we've outlawed Chia Pets!
Scott was excited about his movie conquest!
Phil models the blanket presentation
Are those really prayer candles?
You wear that Belt Buckle/Flask Ruthie!
This year's party was held at the beautiful and large new Memorial home of Ron and Mary Lee Latta. A huge thanks goes out to our hosts for putting together a spectacular evening. I don't know this for certain, but since our friend Ron is out of commission with a broken foot, I have to mention that Miss Mary Lee probably carried a brunt of the work. Job well done ML!!!
The beautiful new Casa de Latta
One special tradition that goes with this party is "The Tie". This special tie belongs to J. Gardner Biggs, CPA and has been present and around his neck at every party, going all the way back to the Dewar's and flying hot dog fete. We believe (and it's probably just Gardner and me) that this tie has special holiday powers that create unique festive oddities each year and usually a mild to tawdry state of intoxication. This year was mild...but next year?
There it is! Ain't she a beauty? Brooks Brothers - circa 1985
Now that we're all a bit older and kids have to hit the sack, the party broke about 10:00 with no major gaffs to report, unlike previous years. These parties seem to have a life of their own - some go very late, some break early, some include cigars and brandy on the back porch and some are more memorable than others. But each party is special on its own and each creates another wonderful holiday opportunity for old friends to break bread, enjoy wine and cocktails, exchange some adult gifts and know that at least once yearly this group of friends will get to be amongst one another again.
The White Elephant Rig I put together included the following: Brooks Brothers Cashmere/Silk plaid sportcoat, white linen pocket square, Brooks Brothers blue windowpane OCBD, vintage Levi's 501 jeans, Clark's Dessert Boots in Tan (newly acquired via eBay) and a faux alligator belt from Jos. A. Bank.