Friday, June 17, 2011

The Father's Day Bow Tie Project...

Through my blog habit I've come across several of my blogging brethren who have mentioned a little company run by a husband/wife team that makes bow ties.  Now here's the real twist...they'll make bow ties from your favorite old neckties that are ready for the trash but that are still beloved due to the pattern or memory that goes along with it.  The company, called The Cordial Churchman, started in 2009 on a whimsical request by the husband for his wife to make him a bow tie from leftover seersucker material she was using to make a jumper for the baby.  She made the bow tie, he posted it to a few fashion websites and within 24 hours they had 10 requests for orders.  What a beautiful start to a great business story! 

The Owners - Andy & Ellie

Today they've made hundreds and hundreds of different and very cool ready to purchase bow ties, but she'll still take requests for special fabrics, make a bunch of matching bows for a wedding party or fashion a father/son set from one of Dad's old ties.  So my Father's Day Project this year will be to send her one of my favorite old ties to make Daniel and me a matching set.  Here's what were going to start with:

The bows are said to take just a few weeks to get back and cost just $26.00 for mine and $18.00 for Daniel's.  I'll be sending the tie up North tomorrow so I'll do a follow up post with the finished product. I think this is by far one of the coolest entrepreneurial and creative companies around and I can't wait to see how our bows turn out.  And in honor of the Bow Tie Project and the fact that it's Bow Tie Friday, I've decided to go full on Seersucker Peacock!

Have a nice weekend!

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