Some of you dear readers may remember a comment I made in a post about 2 months ago about the upcoming T-Ball Season with the Sand Gnats, my son's team for which I am the Manager. Well, things started out very well with a tie, which after last season's winless campaign, was a sure sign that this was to be a much better year. I was incorrect. It was another tough road that ended with 9 losses and the lone tie from the first game. Here's the exciting news...the Sand Gnats won on Saturday to end the season on a very high note and avoid the winless blues. Unfortunately, the team we were playing is suffering through that distinction.

Now that the facts about the season have been duly stated, please let me tell you about how happy I am to have had the opportunity to coach and lead such a fine group of children and their families. I could not be more proud of everyone of them. They played their hearts out, never showing dismay, never giving up and always showing the highest level of sportsmanship and esteem for their teammates and competitors. They held their heads high, enjoying the game and valuing their experience just as young men and one fine young lady should. I have great confidence that their brief moment in life as a Sand Gnat will provide some of the grounded basis of teamwork and courageousness that will help them throughout their lives.

Now this was not just about the kids. The parents of these young players were fantastic, always providing support for not only the children but to me and the coaches. They showed up, urged the kids and acted like grown-ups. These three characteristics may sound odd to receive praise, but not all teams enjoyed this luxury. From the stories I've heard around other leagues, to get through the season without one parent showing anything but the highest respect for the coaches, umpires and the opposing teams is somewhat unique. So a huge thanks to all the parents, grandparents and siblings for performing their role admirably.

I'd like to thank my two coaches for all their hard work, for running practice when I couldn't attend, for slapping me on the back after another loss and sharing in my absolute joy at winning our final game. When you're out on the field urging those kids to pay attention, do their jobs and make plays, it can be very frustrating when it doesn't go the way you planned. My coaches never wavered, never showed signs of pain or regret and always continued to show the kids how to be proud and have fun even when the scoreboard didn't reflect a positive outcome.
And I'd be extremely remiss if I didn't mention my lovely wife Jen, who not only acted as the Team Mom and often Dugout Master, but steadfastly acted as my guidance counselor, assuring me that the win/loss record was not a result of poor coaching. She is my rock, my best friend and confidant and I would never dream of being the man I am without her in my life.
So comes the end of a long dribble and far too meaningful prose about a T-Ball Season. But for those of you who are raising 4, 5 and 6 year olds and have had the opportunity to be part of a Pee-Wee baseball team, you'll know what I'm talking about and why it's so important. Jen always tells me to enjoy my kids and enjoy every stage of their lives. Well I sure have enjoyed this stage of 6 year old and I'm so thankful to have had the opportunity to share it with 11 other great kids as well. My wonderful son and the entire team have provided me with great memories and have truly enhanced my life.
And I'd like to wish all the great Mom's out there a Happy Mother's Day. I hope you all had a restful, fun and memorable day.
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