Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Newspaper envy! A Rant in 3 Parts...

First of all, everyone who reads this blog should know that I am an extremely proud Houstonian, so don't go reading this thinking that I have a move North in my future.  However, on occasion, I do enjoy working and hanging out in the Dallas area.  As most of you know, I married a Garland, TX (Dallas) girl so I have some loyalty to our neighbors in North Texas for providing me such a wonderful woman.  And in no way does this ever relate to me being a Cowboy's fan!  Go Texans!

Anyway, I'm sitting here working in Dallas this week thumbing through the Dallas Newspaper and quickly realizing that this is a far superior periodical as compared to the Houston Chronicle.  I have, many times, noted to my wife, that the Chronicle seems extremely lacking in their amount of content.  They seem to be trying to either save paper, draw us more to their on-line offering or just simply can't find much news to report on.  Here are some examples:  In the Sports page last Sunday there was not one mention of College Football!  Heck, the season starts in less than 30 days and there's not one mention of the college gridiron!  The business section had nothing to offer in its 4 whole pages.  Surely in the 4th largest city in America, some businesses have made news worth reading.  All they gave us were pay scales of the highest paid executives.  I know they're rich...who gives a crap!

So up in here in Dallas, on a Wednesday, the Dallas Newspaper is full of stuff.  The business section is 8 pages of interesting material.  The Sports Section covers everything, including College Football...go figure!  And the rest of the paper was filled with interesting information.

So why I ask is the Houston paper so behind?  Do they feel threatened by the Houston Business Journal?  Maybe they figure that since the HBJ covers it all they don't have to.  And come on!  We're football fanatics in Houston filled with Longhorns, Aggies and every other school you can name.  They don't think perhaps we'd like to know what's going on?  They sure seem to cover soccer quite well, a sport that is up and coming but by no means rivals the crowd following college football!

So there is my rant for the day.  I'm envious and pleased for the Dallas people to have a nice newspaper to peruse each morning and a tad embarrassed that my own home town, for which I am so proud, has a really appalling and lacking news offering.  That's it!  I'm done!

Tune in next week when I rant about how often the weather guys are incorrect!  Well, maybe I'll leave them alone.  They're actually trying to predict something extremely difficult to predict whilst the newspeople just need to tell what's already happened!

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