Monday, July 11, 2011

Filet Mignon - The Easy Way!

Alright folks, I'm about to give you the easiest recipe in the world for cooking steak...especially Filet Mignon.  During the Houston summer months when it's 100 degrees still at 7:00 in the p.m. and you just don't want to fire up the pit or stand anywhere near it, this process is going to make you giddy with excitement.  And you're going to love my sweet, finely attired, butt for giving it to you!

First, go to the store and get yourself some decent looking filet mignon's.  When you're ready to cook, pat the steaks dry and preheat your oven to 350 degrees.  Take a black iron skillet and put it on the stove on high until it's fiery hot...about 5 minutes should do.  In the meantime, cover your steaks liberally with olive oil, kosher salt and ground black pepper.

When the skillet is ready, place the steaks in the skillet for 3 minutes on each side.  Then, without touching the meat, place the skillet in the oven at 350 degrees for about 10-12 minutes based on how you like your steak.  The 10 minute variety is going to be medium rare and so forth.  Once the steaks are done, I generally let them rest for a few minutes before serving.  The meat will continue to cook a bit as well during this time.  For an added bonus, once you've removed the steaks from the skillet to rest, throw some sliced mushrooms in the skillet and use the residual juice left from the meat to cook with.  Add a little olive oil, minced garlic and salt/pepper and saute for about 5 minutes.  By then your steaks will be ready to serve and you can place the mushrooms atop the steak for a lovely and tasty presentation.

You're done!  That's it!  Your family or guests will think you've found some magical recipe and tell you how much their steak tastes like something from a great restaurant!  I've done this several times in the past few months and have even tried it with a strip steak with great success as well.  If you like a nice cut of meat like me, you're going to love this method.  Now, when it gets cool outside again and football is in full swing, I'll tell you about my outdoor grilling process!

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