Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Men in Texas should own a Cowboy Hat!

There...I said it!  Let me say it again - Men in Texas should own a cowboy hat!  Or should I say hats, one for summer and one for winter.  The summer hat should presumably be made from straw and the winter companion of felt.  Also, men should wear their cowboy hats!  Wow, that was all hard to say.  And I'm probably going to catch some flack for this post.  But I ask in response, why shouldn't a man in Texas, or anywhere for that matter, wear a cowboy hat.  The original primary reason behind a cowboy hat was to shield a person's face and neck from the blazing Texas heat, and who's going to argue that point?  And I know for fact, that certain ladies of the hot variety happen to dig a man willing to put on a cowboy hat.  Or maybe I should say lady.  Or maybe I should clarify that the particular lady is my wife.  I digress....

Now, I'm not recommending that men should don the undersized sombrero at the office, football game or church.  But I gotta tell you, there are many an occasion where it is perfectly acceptable.  Here are a few moments when you're going to wish you had your trusty cowpoke lid:

  • Anytime you find yourself on a beach
  • Anytime you find yourself in a pool
  • Anytime you find yourself outdoors smoking a cigar
  • Anytime you find yourself smoking meat/fowl via the BBQ pit
  • Anytime you find yourself anywear near a real Texas ranch
  • Anytime you find yourself doing the Two Step
  • Anytime you find yourself on horseback
  • Anytime you find yourself at something called a Dude Ranch
  • Anytime you find yourself holding a fishing pole or fly rod
  • Anytime you find yourself on the back of a mechanical bull
  • Anytime you find yourself portaying legendary football coach Bum Phillips at a costume party
  • Anytime you find yourself hunting wild game
  • Anytime you find yourself holding a Schlitz, Pearl, Pabst Blue Ribbon or Old Milwaukee
  • Anytime you find yourself in a tube on a river with the aforementioned beer and cigar.
  • And finally, anytime you're fetching the newspaper from the driveway on a bittery cold day while only wearing your Brooks Brothers Robe...well maybe that's just me!

By the BBQ

Affixing a fishing hook

In a trailer down by the river


With Floating Aparatus

Certainly if you are on bull-back!

And here's my favorite!

With gun on saddle

So there! Lots and lots or reasons to wear the official hat of Texas.  I'm sure, given adequate time, I could come up with countless addditional circumstances.  If I've convinced you that perhaps you need a new lid, here's the place to get it - The Hat Store on Richmond @ Chimney Rock.  Owned by Gary Cohen, the original store called The American Hat Company, was established in 1915 by Gary's grandfather.  They will happily help you pick out a hat, let you choose the style for shaping and then, with years of historic craftsmanship, render you the finest in Houston Cowboy Hat's available.

This post isn't about the history, type, structure, brim width and height or which may be right for you.  I'm just sayin', get a cowboy hat and wear the damn thing like a proud Texan!  For those readers outside the great state of Texas, please wear your cowboy hat with extreme caution - for you may be verbally chastised for your choice in fine headgear.  And if you just gotta wear your hat, come on down to Texas and we'll drink a beer, smoke a cigar, barbeque some chickens and wear our hats together!

My first hat...a Stetson that was my Grandfather's

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