Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Brother's Famous Milk Punch

This is a little like letting "The Colonel's" eleven herbs and spices recipe out the door, but I just had to to it! Just like Christmas coming every year without fail, another such annual occurrence greets us during the brother Drew's famous Milk Punch.  Now, I know Drew didn't invent Milk Punch and I know he's not really famous for it, but when someone makes something this good and brings plenty for everyone to enjoy, then the famous association is a worthy title.

This milky concoction is readily identifiable with the holiday season and mostly associated with New Orleans.  I don't know just is!  "The invention of the milk punch is credited to Aphra Behn - author, spy, bon vivant and general hell-raiser.  A woman who lived a life fantastic enough to have created a punch that is so at home in colorful New Orleans."  The mixing of bourbon with the nutmeg and cinnamon is just top notch.  In fact, the way Drew makes it, a milkshake comes to mind.  But the secret kick is what has to be watched for...for it will kick you later when least expected!

An Accurate Representation

Let's start with basic standard Internet available recipe:

2 oz bourbon whiskey
3 oz half & half
1 tsp superfine sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp grated nutmeg

In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine the bourbon, half & half, sugar and vanilla extract.  Shake well.  Strain into a highball glass and garnish with the nutmeg.  (This recipe omits the cinnamon)

Here's another that happens to be from one of our founding fathers - Benjamin Franklin:

And another from the Internet:

And finally, here's Drew's now not-so-secret recipe:

Just like "The Colonel" and his chicken, I don't think there's much of chance anyone is going to steal this recipe!  I think it's written in a code only Drew understands.  It seems as if several revisions have been completed and perhaps some other random chicken scratch has been added to convert to a metric format.

Anyway, if it's cold and rainy outside and you've nowhere to be, try out this fun, frothy cocktail and settle in next to a warm, cozy fire.  New Year's Day perhaps?  Enjoy!

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