A couple of weekends ago I had the pleasure of visiting a new local Heights establishment for an afternoon of conversation, debate, friendship renewal and a cigar. The Heights Cigar Lounge on 19th St. in the Heights offers all that...and more! Paul Carroll, the owner and concept creator, opened this little lounge a few months ago and everything is right on track for a business he says is quite relaxing. Now why would hanging out in a Cigar Lounge 8 to 10 hours a day not be relaxing? Here's the real funny deal, after I'd been sitting there for a bit, Paul said, "I know you." And in fact we did know each other. I did some cabling work for his Alloy company many years ago and we had actually had lunch on one occasion. As soon as we exchanged names, it all came back clear as day. For those of you who don't know me well, a few careers ago in the mid-1990's I owned a voice/data cabling contractor.

Nestled nicely in between a bohemian type coffee/sandwich shop and a bare walkway, this business is set up to allow folks to just drop in, hang out, watch a little TV, play some dominoes and yes, partake in a fine hand rolled cigar. He has a very nice inventory of fine cigars and the shop is set up like a large comfortable living room complete with a big screen TV and several areas for lounging. Now let me give you a little heads up...if you don't like cigars, this is not the place for you. For it is definitely a cigar lounge and everybody in the place has fired up a nice stogie. Paul makes sure to visit with his customers and play movies on the big screen during the day. He was warning everyone that the afternoon held a really nice Disney movie and nobody was talking him out of it. I would assume when football is on, he'll have to divert from his Disney fascination.
The Owner - Paul Carroll
The Manager - Jenny
At the moment, there is no alcohol or drinks, so you'll have to supply your own non-alcoholic beverages. As of now, there is some odd old law about not allowing consumption of alcoholic beverages on the site where tobacco is sold. Equate it to purchasing beer at the 7-11 and not being allowed to drink it in the store. Same deal applies here. Paul says they are working on getting an exemption but nothing is coming soon.

So after smoking a very nice cigar, renewing an old acquaintance with Paul, enjoying a dynamic conversation with the manager Jenny and several patrons, I took my leave. I was headed home for a shower and change of clothes. This won't be an every weekend jaunt, but every once in awhile, I'm going to fall into one of the big beautiful club chairs, fire up a nice cigar and settle in for Paul's Disney choice de jour. Paul's success depends on folks showing up and enjoying his offering, so please go by and check out the place. And make sure to tell him or Jenny that Britt sent you!
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